So what's a Nodebot?

If you have any JavaScript experience, you can now use your powers to manipulate the machines. From blinking lights to Sumo Bot battles, Remote control cats, and Bull fighting with quadcopters...

JS + Hardware = NodeBots

There are regular NodeBots events around the world where people meet-up to learn and hack together on Arduinos, Tessels, Edison's, Raspberry Pis, NodeCopters, robots, and any other gizmos that just need more input...

If you have no idea how to use an LED, have no fear NodeBot experts will be on hand to help you hack, solder, and 3D print your way to a full fledged NodeBot.

All you need is some basic JavaScript knowledge and desire to learn.

Getting started

Nodebots Kits

Johnny-Five Inventor's Kit

Using the only kit made for nodebots, you’ll learn how to use JavaScript to build 12 Robotic and IoT projects. Bocoup (the company behind Johnny-Five) worked with Sparkfun to source the easiest to use hardware and develop the best getting started guide of any kit.

Arduino based Kits

These kits don’t include JavaScript based documentation but the parts give you everything you need to play with a wide range of sensors and devices.

Nodebots Software

Install Node.js and get the Johnny-Five library. If you're controlling an arduino, you'll need to have it programmed with StandardFirmata, which is pretty easy to setup. If you're using a single board computer (like the Tessel 2, Raspberry Pi or Intel Edison) it will have all your IO built in and you'll need to grab the IO-Plugin for your platform. Once that is complete, you can now start hacking hardware like a champion! NodeBots makes the process of programming hardware circuitry very similar to how one would program a modern web page. Seriously, it is that easy!

var five = require("johnny-five");
var board = new five.Board();
board.on("ready", function() {
// Create an Led on pin 13 and strobe it on/off
var led = new five.Led(13)
// Optionally set the speed; defaults to 100ms
view raw strobe-es5.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub
const { Board, Led } = require("johnny-five");
const board = new Board();
board.on("ready", () => {
// Create an Led on pin 13 and strobe it on/off
const led = new Led(13)
// Optionally set the speed; defaults to 100ms
view raw strobe-es6.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Even if you don't have any hardware you can still start learning with the nodebot-workshop program which will teach you the basics of johnny-five through a series of code challenges.

Find a meetup near you

Around the world you can find a monthly Nodebots meetup event. They all follow the Nodebots code of conduct to maintain a safe environment for all to learn.

Join the Community

Want to hack on hardware? Build a robot? Become a Maker? Don't see an event near you yet? Come and join in with the community across the web:

International NodeBots Day

This year's event is on July 27th 2019 Join us at an event near you!

Each year our community around the world gather on a single day to learn and make together. We call this NodeBots Day!

NodeBots Day is world wide event where people learn how to control the physical world with JavaScript. We want you to leave with the satisfaction of making something awesome! Each event has experts on hand to help you build your project and start you on the path to building awesome devices. Overall we're going to get together, collaborate and hack. The focus of NodeBots Day is on sharing and enjoying each other's company and JavaScript. Lots of JavaScript.

Find out more about joining us NodeBots Day as a member or a leader on our Github Page.

Follow @nodebots, check the github, or contact the NodeBots team for more info.

Staying in this year? Follow along from home! Get a kit, find a project and join us in the chat.

2019 Locations!




Where do NodeBots come from?

NodeBots, the idea, was first conceived out of the increasing visibility of hardware creation and control within the upstart node.js community.

Chris Williams created a module called node-serialport that allows JS developers to begin controlling and directing the physical world. From there, hardware has been the bright point of every JS conference event, dazzling audiences with everything from smoke machines to walking robots. Now its time to get everyone in on the action. Now is time for the rise of JS Robotics.